You ask, we answer!

Frequently Asked Questions

Click below to find the information you need. Contact us if you have further questions.

Questions related to bookings:

Anyone, please contact uossc@toh.ca for more information

For information about all that goes on at the uOSSC, please visit our WHAT WE DO page.

Every event has different requirements please contact uossc@toh.ca in the early stages of your planning.

Please visit our BOOK YOUR EVENT page to submit a registration form.

We can assist you with engaging with the University of Ottawa CPD office to host accredited events that offer CME credits.

We believe that all events that take place at our centre should have objectives and an instructional design that involves simulation.

Questions related to Course & Event Logistics:

The uOSSC does not provide catering services. Please contact uossc@toh.ca for more information.

Our conference rooms come equipped with either a projector or LCD display a TOH computer or the ability to connect a laptop. TOH Guest or Corporate Wi-Fi is available.

For meetings/lectures: Some of our rooms have VC capability please contact AV to book your videoconference. Click here to contact AV.

For live surgery/demos: please contact uossc@toh.ca for more information

*please ensure that the uOSSC is available for date requested prior to contacting AV

Please contact uossc@toh.ca to discuss policies surrounding instruments and equipment being   brought to the uOSSC.

Please email uossc@toh.ca to arrange for a No Charge PO and shipping instructions.

Please email the Anatomy Department at The University of Ottawa to request specimens: anatomy@uottawa.ca

*please ensure that the uOSSC is available for date requested prior to contacting anatomy

Please visit Our Services page for more information.

Please contact Luanne Waddell at 613-562-5800 x. 8094 or lwaddell@uottawa.ca to arrange SPs

*please ensure that the uOSSC is available for date requested prior to contacting Luanne Waddell

Depending on the skill and level of the learner the uOSSC can provide access to our 24 hr room. Please contact uossc@toh.ca for more information.

The uOSSC has video recording capabilities in our simulation suites, clinical exam rooms as well as debriefing rooms.

*Please remember if you plan to extract your video and use it for purposes other than debriefing your scenario to ask for signed consent from all participants.

Yes, please contact uOSSC to inquire.

Questions related to Health & Safety:

Medical Students

  1. Notify a uOSSC team member immediately (uOSSC or student to fill out SLS and put Kevin Thomas as Manager and Course Director as Activity Supervisor)
  2. Seek treatment as required – TOH Emerg or TOH Occupational Health
  3. See this link for policies and procedures:



  1. Notify a uOSSC team member immediately (uOSSC or resident to fill out SLS and put Kevin Thomas as Manager and Program Director as Activity Supervisor)
  2. Seek treatment as required – TOH Emerg or TOH Occupational Health
  3. Notify uOttawa of injury by emailing: PGmed_Immunise@uottawa.ca
  4. See these links for policies and procedures:


TOH Nurses

  1. Notify a uOSSC team member and Nurse Educator immediately
  2. Nurse Educator to assist injured employee in completing SLS
  3. Seek treatment as required – TOH Emerg or TOH Occupational Health

TOH Employees

  1. Notify a uOSSC team member and your Manager immediately
  2. Seek treatment as required in TOH Emerg or TOH Occupational Health
  3. Staff member to complete SLS form

TOH Attending Physician

  1. Notify a uOSSC team member
  2. Seek treatment as required in TOH Emerg or TOH Occupational Health
  3. Physician to complete SLS form


  1. Notify uOSSC team member immediately.
  2. Seek treatment as required in TOH Emerg
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